Adapt and overcome
Driven by the needs of potential users, our engineers and scientists at the Center for Adaptive Neural Systems (ANS) are creating technology to offset the effects of spinal cord injury, orthopedic injury, Parkinson’s disease and cerebral palsy.
Recent News
May 2021
Congratulations to Sabina Minta-Jacobs for completing her MS Applied Project and her MS degree. We wish you all the best!
November 2020
Congratulations to Niveditha Muthukrishnan, for winning the ‘Grad Slam’ in the Science and Technology Category in the Elevator Pitch Competition, Graduate and Professional Student Association.
September 2020
Congratulations to Niveditha Muthukrishnan for receiving the IEEE Phoenix Section Student Scholarship Award.

Neural-enabled prostheses
NIH-NIBIB highlighted our work in collaboration with Prof. Jung’s group at Florida International University to develop neural-enabled prostheses as one of “5 Cool Technologies Your Tax Dollars Are Funding”